So long 2020...
on Jan 01, 2021
This year ....well... I don't need to go into length of what this year held. We all experienced it. While these were certainly unprecedented times, I can't help but feel a sense of comradery in knowing that the whole world went through the same overwhelming event together. If you're reading this, you have survived all that last year threw at us! And, I truly hope you stay safe and healthy in 2021 as vaccines (hopefully) put an end to some of the crazy.
Some of us have experienced incredible hardships this year, and my hats go off to all of you who have persevered. Keep up the good work. Don't give up!
I want to take a moment to thank all the first responders, teachers, and essential workers who have sacrificed their health, time and energy to keep our lives, economy, and sanity going.
Last night my husband and I watched Death to 2020 (Netflix) to help us stay awake until midnight. It's a mockumentary about the year 2020. And, we were both awkwardly laughing the whole way. It's remarkable that everything that they covered actually happened last year. Had I have been told by my 2019 self what 2020 had in store, I would probably awkwardly laugh in disbelief then, too.
2020 - a time where we couldn't wait for it to end and every second was a blur just as soon as it had passed. The silver lining is that many of us (including myself) have had a moment to reflect. As my 2 years old daughter says - 'What are you doing here?' It's a great question.
I have learned that I should value my time with my family; I used to take it for granted. Now that they've been around me practically 24/7 since March I don't really want to go back to the way things were. You might have noticed I've been a little less present lately; it's a lot to juggle, but my husband and daughter are my number one priority. I hadn't been acting like it though.
Now, I haven't been quiet about the fact that I have a full time job on top of managing this business. After pulling my daughter out of daycare, I've been lucky to take a shower on a regular cadence...let alone get online and work on my business every day like I used to.
Despite all of that, I do value you - my customers! I am still here for you. I still love what I do. I'm just not taking the time to advertise my services quite so much. I am so grateful for your support, and it is my pleasure to serve you in whatever creative way I can. Thanks for sticking with me!
I hope 2021 will be different (in many different ways!).
I don't usually publicize my goals for fear I might not achieve them, but I am going to post them here this year. Feel free to hold me accountable! They're pretty simple, after all, this year has been unpredictable - can't plan too much. I still want to make a conscious effort to share them with you.
2021 Business Goals
Stay on top of my finances - I fail at this almost every year. But I'm going to try to remain optimistic for this year!
Post at least 1 new product weekly on my website
Show up on social media each week - If you'd like to stay in the know, you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
- Go live on Facebook and/or Instagram at least 12 times this year - I hope you'll join me at my live events!
I hope you have had the time to reflect, like I have, to set some goals for yourself! What are your goals for 2021?
P.S. If you'd like to hear about new products and promotions, subscribe to my newsletter! We occasionally send out VIP promos to only our email subscribers.